We are a modern man’s lifestyle store rooted in the styles of yesterday and balanced by the designs of today. We work to merge these styles and form what we like to call "classic looks with life." Everyday we strive to make these collaborations fun for men to shop for, effortless to purchase, and easy for them to wear.


Built around the gestures of a high five and a hand shake, our take on a throwback men’s store combines true customer service and a fun filled atmosphere. Since opening we've developed the reputation as a place where good times are had and we aim to forever keep that attitude. That is who we are and who we want to be. Yes, we sell clothes, but this shop was always focused on making connections (frankly, that's the fun part for us). So if you are around and looking to update your wardrobe, or maybe in need of a good chat and a cold one, swing on by and come and see us. We will be glad to help.

Why the name L.E. & CHALK? Fine men & Scoundrels?

        It's a tip of the cap and a thank you of sorts to two unforgettable men, our grandfathers. Most are larger than life...these two definitely were.


L.E. was a character, prankster, and true merchant. Chalk could have been coined “the renaissance man of the farmland.” The Can Do Attitude that both of these men possessed are still alive and well in their descendants and in the business ideals that inherently have been passed down. There are thousands of stories and events that molded this company and shaped it’s concept long before it was ever a vision, and these two men left such an impression on our lives that we choose to carry on their legacy the best way we know how.


We pledge to pay homage to our past by embracing our future. We reflect on our memories and let them serve as every day reminders to stay steadfast in our vision for the future. Armed with the values of old and present-day influences, we will always choose to be ever evolving in this world of change while staying honest to ourselves and our community.